The latest release of Mintec’s MineSight 3-D (Version 8) includes Atlas—a complete package for manual scheduling and stockpile management—as well as new enhancements such as Sub-Blocking, designed to give geologic modelers access to a new level of precision for 3-D block models. Other improvements in MineSight 3-D V. 8 include: MineSight Torque Version 3, a drillhole and blasthole manager that now includes a new user security model, a multi-user write lock feature, plus an improved user-interface and workflow; and MineSight Haulage Version 5. According to the company, engineers who calculate their equipment usage with MineSight Haulage will now experience a seamless transition with MineSight Atlas, without the need to load the MineSight Haulage dialog. Improvements also have been made in MineSight Compass, Model Manager, MineSight Implicit Modeler, MineSight Interactive Planner and MineSight Data Analyst. The recently released MineSight Reserve is upgraded to version 2 in order to work with MineSight Atlas and Sub-Blocked models.