Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) has been awarded a key construction management project for compania Minera Dona Ines de Collahuasi, a joint venture of Anglo American, Xstrata Copper and a consortium of Japanese companies in Chile.

SKM General Manager, Mining and Metals Phil Lory, said the contract will service the semi-mobile Rosario crusher transfer project Stage I, secured through competitive bidding, reinforcing SKM’s growing reputation in South America. “This award confirms the relevance of our engineering and project delivery expertise,” Lory said in a statement.

The work requires preparation of a final platform for the Rosario crusher and discharge silo, dismantling the crushing system, moving them to their permanent foundations, demolishing the abandoned foundations, clearing the area and facilitating storage of surplus equipment. The transfer of the semi-mobile crusher Rosario, according to SKM officials, will take 11 months.
