Raw Materials Group (RMG), mineral economists based in Stockholm, Sweden, has concluded a cooperation agreement with Information Center of Ministry of Land and Resources (ICMLR) Beijing, China. RMG and ICMLR strengthen their long cooperation and will pursue a number of joint research projects. The agreement, which was signed during China Mining 2011 in Tianjin, is the first agreement by ICMLR with any Nordic company. By combining RMG’s databases covering all mines in the world with ICMLR’s extensive knowledge of Chinese mineral deposits and exploration, a research unit without equivalence is created.

The partners will start with two topics: Supply and demand of key minerals in major areas of the world and exploration expenditure in the world; developments and drivers. RMG and ICMLR are convinced that these joint research projects strengthen the links between the two partners and set the scene for a successful future together with considerable mutual benefits.

“This agreement confirms RMG’s global presence and strong position among mineral economists all over the world,” said founder Magnus Ericsson, founder of RMG.

“This agreement deepens ICMLR’s international cooperation, and further widen ICMLR’s ways to research more mining information of all over the world,” said ICMLR Director Han Haiqing.
