Ma’aden’s Phosphate 3 Phase 1 mine site in the Northern Province of Saudi Arabia ordered $78 million in plant equipment and technology from FLSmidth. The order includes both primary and secondary sizers, apron and HAB feeders, cone crushers, screens, cyclone clusters, ball mills, paste and high-rate thickeners, a horizontal belt filter, slurry pumps, knife-gate valves, and flotation columns.

The company said it has partnered with Ma’aden from the onset of the new phosphate mine operations, starting with initial laboratory testing of samples retrieved from the orebody in 2019 through to the development of the flowsheet and pilo-scale testing. The collaboration focused on ensuring that the technology would integrate well into the overall plant design to deliver the best possible performance from the process plant operations.

The equipment is expected to be fully integrated during 2025.
