Geovariances has announced availability of the latest release of its flagship software, Isatis 10.0—a commercial package which offers geologists and mining engineers a wide range of tools for mining data analysis, estimation and simulations of deposits. According to the company, all mining geostatistical needs and technical innovations are integrated into the software, and connectivity with common formats and standard mining packages—including Datamine, Vulcan, Whittle Four-D, and a direct link with Gems—enables smooth transfer of data between mining exploration software and Isatis. New to Isatis 10.0 are innovative methods for non-linear geostatistics, including Multivariate Uniform Conditioning. The UC technique, said Geovariances, is enhanced to accommodate multi-element deposits. It enables global and local estimation of recoverable resources of a secondary mineral according to a cut-off applied to the main economic mineral. Direct Block Simulation is an Isatis exclusive technique, based on an explicit model, that delivers robust, single-run simulations of even very large 3-D block models without requiring block discretization; classical methods usually require several runs. Additional functionality includes automated 3-D multivariate variogram modeling, which initializes variogram models with an intelligent fitting in each direction and for each variable. Refinement of experimental variogram lags at small distances helps better analyze small scale spatial correlation and saves time, while enhancements to the 3-D viewer enable fast display of very large grids. Increased performance is available through parallel processing, now implemented for Sequential Gaussian Simulations, Sequential Indicator Simulations, Kriging and Turning Bands Simulation.