CR, formerly known as CQMS Razer, introduced its new look as part of its strategic direction to grow the mining engineering and technology company’s footprint worldwide. Already well recognized across Australia’s mining industry for its innovative surface mining solutions — including dragline products, cast lips and ground engaging tools (GET) — the CR brand change reflects the company’s aspiration of growing its market reach and next-generation mining technology, the company said.

CR CEO John Barbagallo said with its growing product portfolio and prospective market opportunities, it was essential to consider a reshaped business direction and how the company plans to serve our customers in the future.

“As we launch our refined strategic direction and brand, we are a demonstrating our commitment to mining engineering and technology innovation and our capability to support our customers globally,” Barbagallo said. “The move to CR is very much about retaining the proud heritage of CQMS Razer, while providing us with a sharper and more focused brand, allowing us to add complementary businesses and products into the future.”

CR will include new product divisions that will better align the company’s growing portfolio to the needs of our customers: CR Mining, CR Digital and CR Contracts. All will be managed at a strategic level under the CR brand.

The company continues to actively expand its operations throughout the Americas, including the recent acquisition of two new product offerings. The acquisitions of Seattle-based Thunderbird Mining Systems, a developer of market-leading blasthole drill optimization technologies, and California-based Berkeley Forge & Tool’s mining products business have added meaningful scale, market connections and, importantly, deep mining knowledge from decades of product development and sales, the company said.

“Our experience and passion for what we do, has seen us develop our business and become to a leader in our field, delivering outstanding results for our customers,” Barbagallo said. “This is a reputation we are keen to foster and build upon with our customers and markets worldwide under the new CR name.”
