In a move Hudbay reports was based on ‘real-world’ decisions, New Brittania will build a flotation circuit of Jameson cells to handle a feed of widely varying grade fines. (Photo: Glencore Technology)

Glencore Technology reported Hudbay’s New Britannia operation will build a flotation circuit made entirely of Jameson Cells. The circuit will offer the Northern Manitoba operation a means to process finer grinds and higher grades of ore in a small footprint with optimal recoveries.

The circuit will be housed in a dedicated building, built within target costs, Glencore Technology reported.

The development comes after pilot plant testing at the nearby Stall concentrator.

Hudbay leadership said geology drove the decision. “It might look innovative, but it is just a real-world decision based on technical understanding, costs and risk perception,” Peter Amelunxen, vice president, technical services, Hudbay, said.

The solution will have to handle great variation in copper feed grade while maintiaining flotation tails grade below 0.1% copper reporting to the tails leach circuit, said Matthew Taylor, manager of metallurgy at the mine. “Any gains in availability, recover, and product quality have to be achieved through a smaller footprint and a proven simplicity of operation.”

The circuit is expected to maximize the project NVP over the forecast mine life, head grades and mineralogy, Glencore Technology reported.
