The processing plant at the Tambomayo project located in Arequipa, which was commissioned in December 2016, has successfully completed the ramp up process, according to Compañia de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Peru’s largest publicly traded precious metals mining company. Tambomayo has operated at 1,500 tons per day (full capacity) for more than two weeks.
Buenaventura CEO Victor Gobitz confirmed commercial operation on September 1, and said, “This achievement is further demonstration of the skills and dedication of our team and the ability to deliver on our promises.”
As announced in April, Tambomayo’s guidance for 2017 is 60,000 ounces (oz) to 90,000 oz of gold and 1.6 million oz to 1.9 million oz of silver. Annually Tambomayo is expected to produce 120,000 oz to 150,000 oz of gold and 3 million oz to 4 million oz of silver.