In conjunction with the recent Roy Hill announcement about its expansion of autonomous haul trucks from10 to 96 using ASI Mining’s Mobius-based autonomous haulage system (AHS) combined with Epiroc support, ASI Mining announced full commercialization of its AHS program.

The product verification phase at Roy Hill included the operation of a mixed fleet of Cat 793F and Hitachi EH-5000 haul trucks operating under ASI Mining’s Mobius traffic management system (TMS). This phase included verification of key performance indicators, such as efficiency, productivity, and AHS availability using a fleet of 10 haul trucks operating in both ore and waste hauls at multiple locations within the Roy Hill iron ore mine. With the validation phase complete, Roy Hill will convert its mixed fleet of 96 haul trucks to Mobius, making it the largest AHS site in the world.

ASI said the successful completion of this verification phase enabled it to fully validate the overall performance capability and operational safety of its system and establish the full level of related field services for deployment and support of its AHS product. Support of ASI Mining’s AHS globally will be through Epiroc’s distribution network, such as the one based in Perth, Australia, supporting the Roy Hill deployment. Epiroc acquired 34% of ASI Mining in 2018.

While Mobius supports AHS operations, it is an autonomous mining platform which also supports other applications such as drilling, blasting, and dozing. In addition to providing solutions for mining, the company also serves clients worldwide in agriculture, automotive, government, and manufacturing industries with remote control, teleoperation, and fully automated solutions from its headquarters and 100-acre proving ground in northern Utah.
