The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced that the scope of its Cyanide Code is being extended to include the production of silver from primary silver mines using cyanide in the production process.

All Cyanide Code documents and many pages of the Cyanide Code website have been revised to implement the expansion. However, actual language changes are minor and do not affect substantive program requirements, as the production processes and cyanide management procedures applicable to the gold industry also apply to the silver industry.

The key change is replacement of the current definition of “Gold Mine, Gold Mining and Gold Mining Operation,” terms, which are used throughout the Code’s documentation to describe the scope of the program, with a definition of “Mine and Mining Operation,” which includes both primary gold and primary silver production. With this change, most references limiting the program to the gold industry have been expanded to include silver by simply deleting the word “gold” from the text. In other situations, the expansion is addressed by the addition of the phrase “and silver” or “and/or silver.”

ICMI began accepting signatory applications from silver mining companies on January 1.
