When it comes to raw materials, European Union (EU) regulators must focus on ensuring consistency between policy goals so as to enhance innovation and competitiveness, according to European lawmakers and experts at the third Annual Raw Materials Conference.

Hosted by the Nickel Institute, a nonprofit representing 23 companies producing more than 75% of global output, the Brussels conference convened top industry representatives and policymaking officials to formulate best practices for raw materials across Europe.

“Saving energy, raw materials, process inputs and enhancing recycling are essential for our member companies,” said Nickel Institute President Kevin Bradley.

A worldwide strategy is crucial. “Nickel—containing stainless steel—is durable, corrosion-resistant, has a long lifespan and can be fully recycled, all properties which contribute to resource efficiency,” he said. “The EU competes with the U.S., China and the rest of the world. We need a level playing field—not just a European one. It is in the interest of European jobs, innovation and competitiveness to ensure that EU policymakers focus on practical synergies.”
