Airlanco says its low-pressure reverse air filters are custom engineered for efficient, economical, and trouble-free operation. They can be used in applications where dust loads range from light to extremely heavy. The filters feature an onboard direct-drive fan to save energy and maintenance costs by eliminating the need for compressed air and external blowers. A chain-drive gear motor rotates the reverse air cleaning arm over the radially aligned filter bags inside the weathertight cylindrical enclosure. No special gearing, limit switches, or timing devices are needed. As the rotating arm moves over a row of bags, reverse airflow is directed through high-velocity nozzles on the underside of the arm into the bags so the dust collected on their outer surfaces is released and falls into the collection hopper. Dust collection efficiency is maintained as each filter bag is cleaned during each cleaning arm revolution. An involute inlet creates cyclonic action to spin out particulates. For added efficiency, large particles are directed toward the collection hopper by an internal deflection cone.
