Efforts to find two Mandalay Resources employees who were working in the Delia NW mine when it flooded on June 9 have been unsuccessful, according to the company. The Chilean Office of Exception State has ruled out the possibility of finding the two miners, Jorge Sanchez and Enrique Ojeda, alive.

Mandalay continues to work jointly with the national and regional authorities, and a team of experts in response to the flooding at the mine at the company’s Cerro Bayo operation. Activities include the continuation of drilling at different levels of the mine to determine the current state, pumping water to lower the water level in Laguna Verde, maintaining the diversion of La Tina creek, which is a tributary of Laguna Verde, and carrying out technical evaluations of the subsidence area.

Mining operations at Cerro Bayo have remained suspended since the event occurred. An independent investigation of the causes of the event and risk assessments of reopening the Delia SE, Coyita SE, Marcela and Raul veins are being initiated this week.

“We deeply regret the loss of two members of our team at Cerro Bayo,” said Dr. Mark Sander, president and CEO. “The company offers its condolences and support to the families, friends and crew of the deceased. We will continue to work with the Chilean government on next steps and the future of the mine.”
