Boroo Pte. Ltd has achieved a significant milestone in the construction and startup of the planned CMOP project. Phase 1 of the project has been safely commissioned and is producing material to be stacked and leached in the existing stockpiles. The company expects first gold production from the CMOP project will be produced in April 2023.
The CMOP processing plant is designed to process about 15 million metric tons of high-grade gold bearing oxides mined early in the life of the Lagunas Norte property. Development includes a carbon classification system (CCS), a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit, and a residue filtering plus dry stacking facility.
The start-up of Phase 1 is a significant achievement and an important milestone for Boroo’s Lagunas Norte operation. However, the most important achievement is in the project safety. The CMOP project, which started construction in June of 2022, has not had a Boroo reportable incident to-date. The project has recorded more than 1.5 million manhours without a lost-time injury. The company credits this achievement to the dedication of the site leadership and focus on a “zero harm” culture.
The next phase of the project will be to start the CIL circuit scheduled for the end of April 2023. Even though the project has been challenged by a wetter than normal rainy season and delays in the global supply chain, Boroo said the team is working diligently and safely to achieve the next important milestone.