This Terratec TR3000 RBM, built for a Chinese customer, has higher capacity than most locally produced units.
Terratec announced in mid-June that it has delivered a TR3000 raise boring machine to an unidentified Chinese customer in Yunan Province, a major copper-producing district where mature mines increasingly require greater ventilation, ore pass and other underground infrastructure. Although Chinese miners have used RBMs for many years, most are locally built and can only bore raises less than 1.8 m in diameter.
Terratec’s TR3000 has a nominal boring capacity of 3 m in diameter and 500 m in depth. The machine uses a standard 311-mm diameter pilot hole and has a maximum pilot drilling torque of 78,000 Nm, reaming torque to 237,000 Nm and breakout to 266,000 Nm. Its down thrust maximum force is 1,600 kN, and up thrust is 4,500 kN. The total installed power on the machine is 352 kW.