FLSmidth reports that its 600 Series SuperCell, the latest development in the company’s portfolio of flotation technology, provides active cell volumes in the range of 600-660 m3.

                “With the increasing demand for larger flotation cells, FLSmidth has invested in research and development to create these large SuperCells,” said Peter J. Flanagan, Non-Ferrous Division executive vice president. “The SuperCells will help increase efficiencies while reducing capital expenditures.”

                FLSmidth offers both naturally aspirated and forced air mechanisms for the new SuperCell. “The universal tank promotes mechanism interchangeability for added customization and performance capability,” said Frank P. Traczyk, director of flotation products, who predicted that, with single flotation cell volume more than doubling over the past decade. economies of scale, declining ore grades and near-term commodity pricing stability bode well for the integration of the 600 Series into large concentrators.

                Innovative cell characterization tools and novel simulation techniques contributed to technical improvements over existing rotor-stator technologies.

                “Mineralogical diversity, its interaction with fine and coarse particle recovery and lowering energy and operating costs are just some of the challenges faced by mineral processing operations around the world. The Flotation group at FLSmidth is committed to solving these types of problems with revolutionary rotor-stator designs…created and tested aggressively in our research facility,” said Traczyk. “Maximizing valuable mineral production requires a mind-shift away from historical norms, and the SuperCell 600 Series is another step in this evolutionary process.”

                Hydrodynamic and metallurgical testing of the 600 Series will begin in late 2012.
