For the seventh consecutive year, the Chilean state-owned copper mining company (Codelco) led in the ranking of the national mining sector in terms of environmental, social and corporate governance responsibility (ESG), prepared by Merco, and it is located in seventh place in the general classification within the 100 companies that entered the list in this version. Codelco rose 12 positions.
“This significant advance in the classification is very valuable for us, since it recognizes the commitment of the workers of Codelco who are in action to respond consciously to the challenge of climate change, with greater protection of the environment, and we are distinguishing itself as a company with high standards of probity, ethics and transparency,” Codelco Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Renato Fernández said.
In December 2020, Codelco commited to five sustainable developments into 2030. The specific goals that address the main sustainability challenges of the business include reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70%; reducing the unit consumption of continental waters by 60%; recycling 65% of solid industrial waste to support a circular economy; implementing world-class standards in safety and sustainability in all its tailings deposits; and developing the territory with social value, for which local suppliers will be increased by 60% and programs for suppliers and local employment, rural drinking water and education will be strengthened.
“In terms of corporate governance, since 2010, our company has incorporated, year after year, internal changes to strengthen its governance,” Fernández said. “Today, we have a robust regulatory body, we permanently train staff on ethics issues and we have different risk control tools, in addition to a crime prevention model.”