ASD Inc., a PANalytical company, is reminding graduate students to submit their proposals for the Students in Mining Program by November 15. Students can submit proposals to enhance their research in mining education, exploration and production using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Accepted student proposals will be granted the temporary use of a TerraSpec 4 Hi-Res mineral spectrometer system and The Spectral Geologist (TSG) Pro mineral analysis software. Submissions should be unique to the field and do not need to be of immediate practical application or have a guarantee of success. Priority will be given to proposals that extend the frontiers of mining exploration, mining production, energy or geothermal applications.

Students who are enrolled in a master’s or Ph.D. program within an accredited college or university in any country where ATA Carnet documentation for shipments is accepted are encouraged to submit their proposals by the deadline. Recipients are eligible for up to $500 to cover the cost of publication fees and/or travel assistance for the presentation of an accepted abstract at a relevant scientific conference.
